Union Church Choir 3: Unexpected and Mysterious, Robert Buckley Farlee 10: Comfort, Comfort, Now My People, Michael Larkin 17: O Come To Us, Emmanuel, Joseph Martin 24: Ave Maria, Patrick Liebergen Share-YOUR-Music Sunday The choir will be singing, the handbells will be ringing, and we will hear the music from YOU! On December 10, we… Read more.
what's happening
From Rev. Kent – Watch for the Light
Advent affirms two essential elements of Christian faith: how things look does not always reveal their ultimate nature, and God is moving, restlessly and sometimes erratically, toward a new vision. The scriptures we will encounter this season admonish readers “to watch!”, “keep awake!”, and “be ready” for “no one knows the day or the hour”… Read more.
Re-occuring Giving in easyTithe
One way to help the church is your regular offering received in worship, but if you are like me you can’t always make it to church on Sunday. If you would consider setting up a re-occurring donation through our church website here is how to do so. If you already do so, have you updated… Read more.
Our First Stephen Ministers! Commissioning, Dec. 3!
In November of 2016, Church Council approved expenditures to develop a new kind of caring ministry for our congregation: a Stephen Ministry of trained lay caregivers. After a year of trainings, workshops, seminars, planning, and prayer we are ready to commission our first 8 Stephen Ministers in worship on Sunday, December 3. In this program… Read more.
The Season of Advent: Light in the Darkness
The season of Advent begins the cycle of the church seasons with 4 weeks of readings from the prophets, proclaiming God’s promises of salvation, and setting the stage for the “advent” (or “coming”) of Christ. The first Sunday of Advent is Dec. 3. With the new church year, our Gospel focus is on Mark and… Read more.
Update on 2018 Budget & Congregational Meeting December 10.
Why Come to a Budget Meeting? The budget of Union Church is the very core of our ministry. It’s often not thrilling, but it is a theological document that tells you where our values are and how we’ve decided to act those out. As the gospel of Matthew reminds us, “Where your treasure is, there… Read more.
November 26, 2017, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Reign of Christ Sunday November269, 2017 10:30 am Meditation “If we only had eyes to see and ears to hear and wits to understand, we would know that the Kingdom of God in the sense of holiness, goodness, beauty is as… Read more.
Announcements – Community Thanksgiving Service Weds. at 7 pm, Cowan Chapel, Hanging of the Greens Sunday (26th), Alternative Giving Market Nov. 28, Upcoming Events!
Would you like to help serve meals on Thanksgiving Day? Meet at First Christian Church’s parking lot at 10:30 am. Bring a cooler if you have one. The Community Thanksgiving Service will be Weds, Nov. 22, 7:00 pm, in Cowan Chapel. Handbell rehearsal 8-9 pm, no vocal choir rehearsal. Happy Thanksgiving!! Hanging of the Greens… Read more.