A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost August 12, 2018 10:30 am Meditation Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new. — Ursula K. Le Guin “Peace… Read more.
what's happening
August 5, 2018, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Sharing of the Lord’s Supper August 5, 2018 10:30 am Meditation Simply by starting to cook again, you declare your independence from the culture of fast food. As soon as you cook, you start… Read more.
Aug 1 Pool Party Cancelled :(
Well, our best hopes for a rain-free day have not materialized, and with thunderstorms predicted for the early evening, we have decided to cancel tonight’s party. The Community Life and Growth Board is already looking for a good time when we can have a different all-church picnic, but there will be no pool party tonight…. Read more.
In this Newsletter
New Church Directory Coming and we NEED YOU! Berea Celtic Festival August 17-19 Children’s Church Visit from CoCoDa friends August 29 Music News from Gabriel Evans A Symphony of Grace Notes… A Note from Carla Healing Arts Retreat September 15 News of the Family and Birthdays and Anniversaries New Concrete for Church Porch Fifteen Reasons… Read more.
Berea Celtic Festival August 17-19
The 9th Berea Celtic Festival, August 17-19, is getting closer, and Union Church has been a significant partner all the years. Individual members of Union Church have also volunteered with various tasks. Several events will be held here at Union Church — the largest will be the Saturday night Celtic Gala Concert. Please contact… Read more.
Fifteen Reasons Why I Appreciate Stephen Ministry
by Mary Lou Wiese Reason number one is Kent Gilbert. Our pastor has supported Stephen Ministry from the beginning of the project. He took five days to go to St.Louis and be trained with Betty Hibler, Jeff From, and myself. He also kept Union Church going while putting in ten hour days in St. Louis…. Read more.
A Note from Carla
I’ve just returned from the Wild Goose Festival, an eclectic mix of Music, Art, Spirituality and Justice…and people! This is my fifth year attending this Festival in Hot Springs, NC where this year 4000 people gathered…quite a few more than the couple of hundred the first couple of years. It is a gathering of folks… Read more.
Visit from CoCoDa friends August 29
On August 29, at 5:45 pm, our /CoCoDA Salvadoran friends, Ivan Villasboa and Yunior Gomez are coming to Union Church and the Berea community for an unofficial Wednesday Nite Live. They will bring their wonderful expertise and slides to catch us up on what is going on in El Salvador and Nicaragua, the two regions… Read more.