At 5:45 pm, our CoCoDA Salvadoran friends, Ivan Villasboa and Yunior Gomez will visit Union Church. They will bring their wonderful expertise and slides to catch us up on what is going on in El Salvador and Nicaragua, the two regions in which CoCoDA works. Especially of interest for us is the current situation in… Read more.
what's happening
Water Bottles to Benefit Faith Development
Need an awesome water bottle? Keep single-use plastic out of the environment AND help Faith Development with its great work! Water bottles are $10.00, $5.00 goes to support Faith Development programs! Available in the office and at Wednesday Nite Live (which, btw, starts with a potluck September 5, 5:45 pm. Bring a dish to share… Read more.
Monday, 8/27, Announcements — CoCoDA supper Wednesday, Choirs starting back this week!
Announcements Need an awesome water bottle? Water bottle fundraiser $10.00, $5.00 goes to support Faith Development programs! Acheiveing & Building Life Equally (ABLE) Support Group for those with visible and invisible disabilities and care givers) meets August 27 (tomorrow) at 11:15 am in the Fellowship Hall of Berea Baptist Church. Speaker will be James Easter… Read more.
August 26, 2018, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost August 26, 2018 10:30 am Meditation “The bread that you store up belongs to the hungry; the coat that lies in your chest belongs to the naked; the gold that you have hidden in… Read more.
2018 Directory Info
New Directory coming in earliest September! Use this form if you’d like to update your info, OR if you haven’t been in the Directory and would like to be! Thanks! (please fill out for each member of your household). Feel free to send a photo, too (with or without your cones)! [gravityform id=”66″ title=”true”… Read more.
Monday, August 20, Announcements. Music Potluck Thursday, all welcome!
There will be a potluck picnic 6:30 pm on Thursday for all who are in the vocal choir and handbell ensemble AND all who are thinking about joining either group! At Rev. Kent’s home, 298 Harrison Rd.. All welcome. Nan Gravel has Monarchs to share! She’ll show anyone interested how to give the butterflies a… Read more.
August 19, 2018, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost August 19, 2018 10:30 am Meditation Be gentle when you touch bread. Let it not lie uncared for–unwanted. So often bread is taken for granted. There is so much beauty in bread. Beauty of… Read more.
August 13 Monday Announcements
UPDATE: The 9th Annual Celtic Festival events at Union Church: Cowan Chapel — 3 pm Irish song session and a violin concert at 4 pm AND in the sanctuary: a fantastic traditional & grassroots concert at 8 pm (admission $20, students/kids $5, under 6 free, special seating $50 ) — preceded by Pipes and Drums on the… Read more.