December 12, 2018 Dear Church Family, On Sunday, December 9 we had significant and detailed discussion of a proposal from the Finance Board to create a Union Church Endowment Fund by adding a by-law to our constitution establishing the fund, defining the accounts, and creating an investments oversight committee. The proposal is endorsed by Church… Read more.
what's happening
Union Church Endowment By-laws – Frequently Asked Questions
Union Church is considering a by-law addition that would establish a “Union Church Endowment Fund”. Our vote is December 16, 2018. Here are some questions raised at recent meetings, along with helpful definitions and clarifications as you consider this proposal. The text of the proposed changes can be found by clicking here. … Read more.
Proposed Amendment to By-laws to Establish An Endowment Fund “Version 2”
On December 16th the congregation will vote on establishing a Union Church Endowment Fund. After previous discussion at a congregational meeting on December 9, the Finance Board proposes the following “Version 2” of by-law additions for your consideration. The vote will be taken on December 16, immediately following worship.
In Memoriam: Ruth Butwell
Dearest Church Family and Friends, With a grateful but grieving heart I write to let you know of the passing of Ruth Butwell, 89, who died today, December 10. She died surrounded by her family, who sang her into gentle rest just before noon. Her daughter Ann and son John, along with their spouses, have… Read more.
Cookies and Joy
Seventeen Children’s Church kids and their families enjoyed spending Sunday afternoon decorating cookies, playing tag, and getting to know each other better. Children’s Church is steadily growing, and we are excited to see what the new year is going to bring for this group of exuberant spiritual seekers!
Monday Announcements, Poems Read at Worship Yesterday, Brief Report of Congregational Meeting, Youth Group Greeting Card Fundraiser!
A joyful welcome to our newest members who joined yesterday – Sean Mack, Brianna Neal, Michael & Sara Murphy, and Robert & Andrea Wescott. Thanks be to God for these strong hearts! Many thanks to those who attended and brought their prayerful thoughts & concerns to the Budget Meeting yesterday! After a wonderful lunch prepared by… Read more.
December 9, 2018, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcments
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Second Sunday of Advent December 9, 2018 10:30 am Meditation The least we can do is to make his coming no more difficult than the earth makes it for the spring when it wants to come. —Rainer Maria Rilke… Read more.
Monday Announcements, Readings from Sunday Worship Service, Budget, Budget Policy and Proposed Endowment Fund Language
Advent has begun! Advent is the beginning of a new church year. It is a time of waiting and preparation for the joy of Christmas. The color of Advent is dark blue to symbolize the night before the dawn of Christ. During this season we hear readings from the prophets and light a candle each… Read more.