On November 26, 2018 the Union Church Chancel Choir joined composer/conductor Mark Hayes to perform a world premiere of a new choral work, “Hodie Christus Natus Est, A Carol Fantastia.” Union Church members joined an elite group of 9 other choruses from around the United States forming a choir of 275 singers, and an orchestra… Read more.
what's happening
Prayer in Action – Inspiration from October's Worship Wonders
In October, while Rev. Kent was traveling, we had a Prayer in Action station where people could write their suggestions for ways to build community and increase the practical action of love in our area. This short article is a round-up of the suggestions. Where possible, there is information about how you can become involved…. Read more.
December 9 Budget Meeting, after Worship and Lunch
Budgets are a form of prayer: a sacred trust to steward our resources for the blessing God calls us to be. Here is the 2019 Proposed Budget to be considered by the membership December 9, 2018, 12:30pm. (Meeting follows worship and and lunch). The ministry of this vital Christian community and its voice for Jesus’… Read more.
Advent Events, including link to Berea College Christmas Concert!
The season of Advent begins the cycle of the church seasons with 4 weeks of readings from the prophets, proclaiming God’s promises of salvation, and setting the stage for the “advent” (or “coming”) of Christ. The first Sunday of Advent is Dec. 2. With the new church year, our Gospel focus is on Luke and we… Read more.
Endowment Bylaws to be Voted Upon December 16
Union Church will soon consider bylaws to our Constitution that will establish a Union Church Endowment Fund. Below are the proposed bylaws, which were approved by Church Council at its November 19 meeting. The proposed bylaws will be discussed at our December 9 meeting, but voted upon at a special called meeting right after church… Read more.
Youth Group "Cards for a Cause" Fundraiser!
Everyone needs great cards! Birthdays, thank you’s, get well soon, cards or just an open space to craft your own message. Our Youth Group is selling these high quality cards as a fundraiser. Buy a box – buy 2 – never get stuck without a card when you need one! Each box contains 30 cards… Read more.
Pastoral Care in the Season of Light
We are entering the season where much is “merry and bright”, except NOT for many. I recently received a note from a friend with an article stating that “grief is a joy observed”. It was especially helpful to me as I reflected on the word JOY, one of the Sundays in Advent where we anticipate… Read more.
Opportunities to Serve – this Advent Season and Beyond
St. Clare Christmas Basket Program! Each year we partner with St. Clare to help provide food staples and children’s gifts for the holidays. We have often gotten a corporate donation of toys from Hasbro, but they are unable this year. Thus, specific toys are in definite need. In the sanctuary each week from now until… Read more.