Dear friends, Many of our children’s parents were sickly, seriously ill and most died from HIV AIDS complications, malaria, maternal death, and other diseases. Some were abandoned by their family members who could not adequately feed them or afford medical care which could take miles of walking to government hospitals. As a result, some often… Read more.
what's happening
January 27, 2019, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Third Sunday after the Epiphany January 27, 2019 10:30 am Meditation “You will know as much of God, and only as much of God, as you are willing to put into practice.”— Eric Liddell, Olympic gold medal runner; alt…. Read more.
Eye Glass Collection This Sunday!
In this week’s scripture reading from Luke, Jesus quotes a passage from Isaiah 61 proclaiming “recovery of sight to the blind.” For our action prayers on Sunday, January 27, we will be collecting any and all used eye glasses. They will be donated to the Lions Club who cleans, sorts, and distributes them around the… Read more.
Just a reminder — If you haven't already, please do survey by midnight!
Members & Friends of the Union Church Congregation, The Pastoral Relations Board is sending this email with an urgent request to complete the Pastoral Evaluation, the link to which is below, by midnight, Tuesday, January 22nd. We apologize for this rush. Every three years we gather the congregation’s responses to a survey that provides honest… Read more.
Weekly Announcements, Coming Up this Week, Get Involved with Room in the Inn
Come to Wednesday Nite Live (WNL) tomorrow! The Union Church community gathers for a simple supper at 5:45 pm, September through May, in the Community Room (basement level, handicap accessible by ramp near the playground). Dinner is prepared by church members (potluck first Wednesdays of the month). After a few announcements, recognition of birthdays and prayer,… Read more.
January 20, 2019, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Second Sunday after the Epiphany January 20, 2019 10:30 am Meditation One day, youngsters will learn words they will not understand. Children from India will ask: What is hunger? Children from Alabama will ask: What is racial segregation? Children from… Read more.
Pastoral Survey – please respond quickly! Thank you!
Members & Friends of the Union Church Congregation, The Pastoral Relations Board is sending this email with an urgent request to complete the Pastoral Evaluation, the link to which is below, by midnight, Tuesday, January 22nd. We apologize for this rush. Every three years we gather the congregation’s responses to a survey that provides honest… Read more.
Monday Announcements, New Members welcomed, MLK Day March to begin at Union Church on Jan. 21.
New members! In December, we had the joy of welcoming Robert & Andrea Wescott, Michael & Sara Murphy, Sean Mack and Brianna Neal into the Union Church family. Yesterday, we welcomed Maria Hartz. Thanks be to God for these strong hearts! New members are received the second Sundays of the month. YOU are welcome here!! (If… Read more.