Dear Church Family and Friends, Have you noticed how hard it is to pay attention to the things that give you life? We are bombarded by the trivial, the urgent-but-unimportant, and too often the difficult-challenging-soul-numbing events that keep us from deepening. Lent, these 6 weeks prior to Easter, is the Christian season of creative resistance… Read more.
what's happening
March 10, 2019, First Sunday of Lent, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements and Events
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union First Sunday of Lent March 10, 2019 10:30 am Meditation No Christian escapes a taste of the wilderness on the way to the Promised Land. —Evelyn Underhill, The Fruit of the Spirit From there to Here:… Read more.
In Memoriam, Bernice Allen Parsons
Friends, Delores Carpenter’s mother, Bernice Allen Parsons, passed away on Wednesday. A visitation will be held tomorrow, Saturday, 11-1, at Dowlin and Martin Funeral Home in Mt. Vernon and a service will be held at 1, also at Dowlin & Martin. The link to the obituary is below. Let us hold Delores and all the… Read more.
Every Week—you’re invited!
Zen Meditation every weekday, 8:00 am. Join us for 20 minutes of unstructured quiet meditation in beautiful Cowan Chapel, on the Scaffold Cane Road side of the church. Mondays at 6:30 pm, Cowan Chapel. David Parks will offer Zen teaching: Meditation, Koans, Conversation, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Cowan Chapel. Wednesday Nite Live.The Union Church community… Read more.
Pie Charts from Pastoral Survey in Annual Report
Union Church's Annual Meeting Report
At the Annual Meeting yesterday, March 10, Board Members & Officers were elected, the 2019 Budget was adjusted to correct an error, the Pastor’s Sabbatical Plan was approved for July 1-October 31 and the Annual Report for 2018 was accepted. After the installation of Board Members & Officers and a closing hymn, Rev. Kent dismissed… Read more.
Lent 2019 Opportunities
Weekly Announcements: Artist Talk Thursday, New Members to be welcomed, Annual Meeting & Lenten Lunch March 10!
Pls. note: Bible Study will meet at 11 am,not noon, this week only. Bob Boyce would like an audience for his talk at the Berea Arts Council this Thursday night at 7pm at the new location, the Tate Building; to be only an hour. He will talk on George Fred Keck: Passive Solar Residential Architecture. Keck was… Read more.